Services provided by AMCHO Computer Services Ltd.
Independent Computer Consultancy
Consultancy services charged on a 'per day' basis working on your behalf. We can analyse your current systems and if suitable we can advise on 'Off the Shelf' products, both Software and Hardware; with experience of Microsoft Windows, Word-processing packages. Spreadsheets, Communications, Accounting packages and Databases, running on a variety of systems including PCs linked together using Novell Netware and Windows for Workgroups, as well as Data General mini computers.
The Internet: Consultancy, WEB page design and set up.
We have been using the Internet for e-mail, and electronic communication for software development for many years. We can advise on all aspects of using electronic communications, using the internet, setting up your e-mail system, setting up your web site and creating your web pages, and setting up, registering and hosting your web domain.
Bespoke Business Systems
Database Applications written to your specification in Superbase, SQL, COBOL, or Magic. Integration of 'off the shelf' products. Systems Analysis and Programming.
In Summary
We seek to provide a business solution, not necessarily a computer system. Being independent of any hardware or software manufacturers we will only recommend a computer system if it is the best solution. Together we will concentrate on your business needs and potential increase in the profit of your business.