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Make your site sell workshop

Make Your Site Sell - Interactive Workshop

in addition to the make your site sell ebook the program now also includes make your knowledge sell, an ebook on how to create your own info product and make your price sell a web based program that will help you calculate your own ideal price.

I first came across the 'Make your site sell' affiliate program in June 1999 in the Associate Programs newsletter. I have played with a few associate programs with some very limited success, and like most webmasters who want to take their site into the world of e-commerce the MYSS program seemed like what I had been looking for. There are many other similar programs out there - but somehow this one got me hooked. The e-book is reasonably priced, and judging by the free downloads, free sample chapters and free newsletter the book is good value for money. The only downside, from an affiliates point of view, is that with so much being given away free is there any need to actually buy the book?

I have subscribed as an affiliate and downloaded all the free info available.

The best way to study any book is to do it with other people - so I have set up this workshop. It will only work if you put in your input. Till there is enough interest I will keep a diary of my own progress with the 5 pillar affiliate program.

If you haven't done so yet - go now and sign up as an affiliate and download all the free info from then come back and let me know what you think - send an email to or use our feedback form. Remember this will work much better if you participate - even if all you say is hello - at least I will know that there is someone out there taking part. Feedback relating to this workshop will be collected and a digest made available on the web at myss-feedback.htm.

Day 1 - initial impressions, goal definition.
Day 2 - how the goal will be achieved
Day 3 - The 5 pillars affiliate system - documentation.
Day 4 - MYSS Book extract - Submit to Yahoo.
Day 5 - Target your Customers
Day 6 - HTML and META tags and Search Engines.

There is a discussion board on this site, take a trip to and post a message, just tell us about your own website - this is your chance for a bit of free advertising!

I have been thinking about starting up a mailing list - no promises about frequency - too many have started up producing good quality stuff then the quality falls off - so I'll only send it out when I have something of interest to say, If you are interested please subscribe by sending a blank email to

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